Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and Living From America's Best Chefs

Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and Living From America's Best Chefs

Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and Living From America's Best Chefs
Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and Living From America's Best Chefs - How do you stay thin with a job like that? This is the question many food loving mortals often pose to celebrity chefs. Clearly they indulge in their love of food, so how is it that they can enjoy the tantalizing dishes we see them create and still look fit, fabulous, and photo-shoot- ready?Like so many Americans, celebrity chefs also face the strain of balancing a good diet with a busy lifestyle full of temptation. Now chefs like Michelle Bernstein, Eric Ripert, Tom Colicchio, Rick Bayless, Jacques Torres, and Cat Cora share their own stories on how you can keep your love for food-without foregoing a healthy life.

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