Fuel Up: Science-based nutrition strategies and delicious recipes to help power through your day
![Fuel Up: Science-based nutrition strategies and delicious recipes to help power through your day](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MUlXTak6L._SL160_.jpg)
Fuel Up: Science-based nutrition strategies and delicious recipes to help power through your day - Written by Registered Dietitian and Sports Nutritionist Georgie Fear RD, Fuel Up is a wealth of nutrition know-how and appealing meal ideas. Some of the highlights from Fuel Up: *75 recipes, every single one with full-color photos and complete nutrition breakdown *Includes a kitchen and fridge makeover guide *How to recover optimally from workouts for maximum performance *What food labels really say, how to find the info you need, and what to ignore *How to use carbohydrate timing to feed muscle tissue while burning stored fat What type of recipes will you find in this book? The dishes are easy, well-explained, low in sugars and refined carbohydrates, high in protein, fiber and essential fatty acids: Exactly the meals y
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